Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 16:54:30 -0400 From: Tony Schiavo Subject: New Books: English Dialectology John Benjamins Publishing would like to call your attention to the following new titles in the field of English Dialectology: ENGLISHES AROUND THE WORLD I GENERAL STUDIES: BRITISH ISLES, NORTH AMERICA STUDIES IN HONOUR OF MANFRED GOERLACH Edgar W. Schneider (ed.) 1997 vi, 329 pp. Varieties of English Around the World, G18 US/Canada: Cloth: 1 55619 449 8 Price: US$79.00 Rest of the world: Cloth: 90 272 4876 1 Price: Hfl. 140,-- John Benjamins Publishing web site: For further information via e-mail: service[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] The two volumes of Englishes Around the World present high-quality original research papers written in honour of Manfred Goerlach, founder and editor of the journal English World-Wide and the book series Varieties of English Around the World. The papers thematically focus on the field that Manfred Georlach has helped to build and shape. Volume 1 contains articles on general topics and studies of what might be termed "Old" Englishes, varieties of English that have been rooted in their respective regions for a long time and have been traditional focal points of scholarly study. The first section contains eight general and comparative papers (dealing with terminological matters or definitions of core concepts, historical issues, structural comparisons across a wide range of varieties, etc.); the second one has nine papers on dialects of English as used in the British Isles (covering England, Scotland, Ulster and Ireland); and finally, there are four contributions on North American varieties of English (including Southern English, African American Vernacular English, Newfoundland Vernacular English, and American English in a historical perspective). The thematic scope comprises the levels of lexis, phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, and orthography, as well as sociohistorical issues, the question of the evolution and transmission of dialects, various sources of evidence including literary dialect, etc. Contributors to the respective sections include J. Algeo, W.-D. Bald, J.-M. Gachelin, A.F. Gupta, K. Hansen, J. Holm, J. Spencer and Ch. Stephan; I. Brown and K. Lenz, B. Glauser, J.L. Kallen, R. Macaulay, J.D. McClure, C. Milton, M. Montgomery, W. Viereck, and E. Weiner; G. Bailey, S. Clarke, P. Cukor-Avila, and W.A. Kretzschmar. ENGLISHES AROUND THE WORLD II CARIBBEAN, AFRICA, ASIA, AUSTRALASIA STUDIES IN HONOUR OF MANFRED GOERLACH Edgar W. Schneider (ed.) 1997 viii, 358 pp. Varieties of English Around the World, G19 US/Canada: Cloth: 1 55619 716 0 Price: US$85.00 Rest of the world: Cloth: 90 272 4877 X Price: Hfl. 150,-- John Benjamins Publishing web site: For further information via e-mail: service[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] The two volumes of Englishes Around the World present high-quality original research papers written in honour of Manfred Goerlach, founder and editor of the journal English World-Wide and the book series Varieties of English Around the World. The papers thematically focus on the field that Manfred Goerlach has helped to build and shape. Volume 2 of Englishes Around the World presents studies of so-called "New Englishes", post-colonial varieties as spoken predominantly in countries of the former British Empire. There are five contributions on the Caribbean (covering Jamaica, Guyana, and Trinidad), five articles on Africa (South Africa, East Africa, and Nigeria), six studies of English in Asian countries (Japan, the Philippines, India, Singapore, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea), and six papers on Australia and New Zealand. Topics covered range from sociohistorical causes and processes, the nativization of English in different countries, or the expression of individual identities by means of the English language through structural descriptions to sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, lexicographic, pragmatic, stylistic, and other matters. The articles in the respective sections are written by D.R. Craig; L.M. Haynes; P.L. Patrick; K. Shields-Brodber and L. Winer; A Banjo; V. de Klerk; R. Meshtrie; J. Schmied and P. Silva; R.W. Bailey; A. Gonzales; R. Begum and T. Kandiah; R.R. Mehrotra; P. Muehlhausler and M. Newbrook; L. Bauer; S. Butler; M. Clyne; P. Peters and A. Delbridge; G. Tulloch and G.W. Turner. For further information please e-mail Bernadette Keck: service[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]