Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 11:30:26 -0500
From: Shannon M Walbran swalbran[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]JEFF.HAMLINE.EDU
Subject: Re: Dog Language
The 'dog language' query made me chuckle; it brought back my first weeks
teaching EFL in the (now) Slovak Republic. Slovak, being a phonetic language,
has near-perfect sound-symbol correlation. When I would ask how to spell
a new word (well, they were ALL new words to me), I would receive an "Are
you crazy?" look from my Slovak friends. Example: Q. How do you spell
"Shannon?" A. Obviously, sh - ah - nuh - oh - nuh, = s^anon.
I have far too much respect for Slovak, however, to associate it
with any "dog" language, but your question did ring a buh - eh - luh.
Shannon Walbran
Global Language Institute
St. Paul, MN