Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 18:41:19 -0500
From: Charles F Juengling juen0001[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU
Subject: Re: Church house
On Fri, 15 Jul 1994 mftcf%UXA.ECN.BGU.EDU[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] wrote:
Yesterday I met a Baptist from Alabama who is here (in Ill.) with a
volunteer group helping put up a new church building here. He said they
were here to build a "church house" for what I would say is just a "church."
Any body encountered this?
Yes, and I've used it many times myself. The "church house" refers only
to the building, whereas "church" could refer to the building or to the
(I blush to say I haven't checked my
DARE--its at home and I'm at the office).
Tim Frazer
PS hope Rudy and you other folks in the SW aren't broiling--did I hear
111 for El Paso yesterday?