Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 17:31:11 -0400
From: "William A. Kretzschmar, Jr." billk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ATLAS.UGA.EDU
Subject: Re: oj trial
On Thu, 13 Jul 1995, Alan S. Kaye wrote:
RE: OJ Trial
Folks, come on, let's get serious. I am not an expert in AAVE; however,
I would like to see the "expert" identify correctly out of 100 tape recordings
of, say, 100 different people born and raised in a southern state, e.g.,
chosen at random, and identify blacks from non-blacks. My guess is that
this is next to impossible. Then, too, we can have whites who sound black
(phoneticians, e.g.) and blacks who sound white. So where does it all end,
and what is the point of such non-scientific judgements. So I must say
that Johnny Cochran's point seems to me to be a good one.
Alan Kaye
Linguistics, CSU, Fullerton
No, Cochran's point is not good. Many (but not all) African American
speakers all over the country have a speech type that resembles Southern
plantation speech, including loss of post vocalic -r, cluster reduction,
and many other features that lay people as well as linguists can hear and
recognize (if not define precisely as phonological features). Most
non-African-Americans in Southern California do not have that kind of
speech. If the witness were to have heard somebody with such a Southern
speech type, the most likely case in Southern California is that it might
have been an African American. Without recordings and instrumental
analysis it is pretty dicey to identify voices, but the question leads to
the kind of probabilistic judgment also invited by, say, the fiber
evidence. As it happens, the witness is a non-native-speaker of American
English, and so not able to make any such judgment in any case.
Out of my oj-stupor, I appear to have some recall after all.
Regards, Bill
Bill Kretzschmar Phone: 706-542-2246
Dept. of English (Park 317) FAX: 706-542-2181
University of Georgia Internet: billk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Athens, GA 30602-6205 Atlas Web Page: