Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 18:38:34 -0600
From: Salikoko Mufwene s-mufwene[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UCHICAGO.EDU
Subject: Re: oj trial
Stereotypes are not fool-proof. We use them cognitively because they are
helpful. We can of course misuse them and make them dangerous. And this is
perhaps where Cochran's objection to "sounding black" becomes relevant. As
I said before, African Americans use the phrase, even scholars. I am
personally accustomed to the comment that I sound African. These are
statements based on stereotypes which some honest people find useful. I
guess I'd agree with you if you said that linguists should step down humbly
from the pedestal and stop pretending that only they can determine which
variety is AAVE and which one is not. That authority, if infallible, rests
only on the people who share the code and who may operate, for identification
purpuses, on features which may be different from those linguists have
cherished in their discussions, as useful as they are. I may sound
patronizing now, but I just did not see the point in discreting the
witness's obvervation simply because he is not a linguist.
In message Thu, 13 Jul 1995 17:31:11 -0400,
"William A. Kretzschmar, Jr." billk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ATLAS.UGA.EDU writes:
As it happens, the witness is a non-native-speaker of American
English, and so not able to make any such judgment in any case.
I cannot resist taking exception with this statement. What if I took
the liberty of substituting "AAVE" for "American English" in your statement,
would I be wrong? Does inablility to replicate the native speaker entail
inability to tell the difference? Actually, aren't there incompetent native
speakers (with regard to the judgment that concerns us here)? Why is the
native speaker presumed error-free? Where does variation fit in all this by
the way?