Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 14:46:42 -0700
Subject: Re: For "he says", like "he's all" or "he goes" or "he's like" (fwd)
I'm glad the subject of "I'm all..." finally came up. I've been saving
this for the right time. DARE, pay attention.
I cite from the following: Dan Alford, "A New English Language Quotative"
in _Not Just Words: The Newsletter of Transpersonal Linguistics_, Vol II,
No. 2-3, Fall 1982-3 (sic):
There is a new way of introducing "quoted" material which is surfacing in
children in many parts of California -- and I'm wondering if any readers
have spotted it elsewhere. (Remember, you read it first in NJW -- nobody
in discouse has mentioned it yet to my knowledge.)
The fascinating part about the new quotative pattern is that it can be
used to introduce either verbal or non-verbal messages. The subscriber
who first alerted me to this usage, Suzanne Peregoy, had noticed its
usage in Santa Barbara, Berkeley, and other parts of the Bay Area. I
subsequently heard it coming out of the mouth of my own 9-year-old
daughter, who hangs out most of the time up in the mountains of Placerville.
There are two parts to this separable discourse-eme (for lack of a better
word), each of which is followed by the material being quoted:
She's all, "(Quo)". I'm here, "(Quo)". [update: the second doesn't seem
to have lasted]
Again, the quoted material may be non-verbal, as in "S/he's all, '(with
hands on hips and falsetto voice) Why don't you ever do what you're
told?' I'm here, '(feigned nonchalance) la-de-da-de-da'."
Or "She's all, '(demonstrates jittery movements with hands and arms going
in all directions).' I'm here, 'Give me a BREAK and calm down!''
The whole pattern may be repeated once, and perhaps more times.
This construction may signal a new direction in the grammar of English,
or it may simply be an example of pre-pube in-group language. ...
As I type again those words from over a decade ago (of course the old
CP/M Wordstar file it was in has not survived the years. All the
cheery-eyed electronic prognosticators forget the fact that files in old
formats seldom survive transformations), I'm astounded at its accuracy
even now -- little has changed, except it's now "I'm all," "She's all,"
and the original "I'm here" has been lost to arcane linguistic history.
And re: the larger inquiry this belongs to, "I'm like", I just received
this attested sentence on tape from a student in the obligatory
transcript of 5 minutes of unvarnished reality:
"Christina and I went and we were like, 'Excuse me?'"
On Fri, 14 Jul 1995, Peter McGraw wrote:
I forwarded Jim Ague's message on this topic to my son for his amusement,
and think his response might interest some on the list. Any comment from
AAVE specialists out there? (Note: the middle school he refers to [in
Yellow Springs, Ohio] was a harmoniously integrated school in which
middle-class black students were a sizeable minority and seemed to be the
Peter McGraw
Linfield College
McMinnville, OR
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 95 22:02:49 PDT
From: Patrick McGraw pmcgraw[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Subject: Re: For "he says", like "he's all" or "he goes" or "he's like" (fwd)
I suspect these usages are not originally from California, but from Black
English. Especially when I was in Middle School, people would often
follow "He's like" with not just words, but gestures indicating what
someone was doing. The phrase indicates that what follows is an
imitation. "He's all" probably has similar origins-- it can also come
before an adjective or a description, e.g., "He's all pissed 'cause I
didn't invite him." I imagine the usage with a quotation is an extension
of this.