Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 10:54:14 +0000
From: Jenny Becker beckerj[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OMRI.CZ
Subject: Re: ? Regionalism: "Put up," "Up" (fwd)
My family (Czech community in Chicago) doesn't use "put up," but one thing
I picked up from my grandparents (born in Chicago) was saying "on the
attic" instead of "in." And just recently I discovered that what I thought
was "hutch," which meant to sit down and be quiet ( I always envisioned a
rabbit in its hutch), is actually "hac," which is Czech for, what else,
"sit down and be quiet." Now I wonder how many other words that I think are
English - but that no one outside my family recognizes - are actually
Czech, or some variation of it.
Jenny Becker