Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 11:46:25 MST


Subject: Re: Your Momma -- Sexual Connotation?

Shana Walton wrote:

I also have been cautioned by Northeastern and West Coast friends

(WASP-types) that it is rude, or at least can appear nosy, to inquire after

people's mamas, as in "how's your mama and them?" People apparently don't

all bring their families into their cognitive work world. Some told me

it's rather elitist, not a sign of civil concern (as in we're all

supposed to be seen as indivduals, family-free?) to ask about people's family

backgrounds (as in "who's your mama and them"). My friends said only people

who were concerned with your pedigree would ask this question and therefore

that people will take it wrong, as if you're trying to "sniff them out." Is

this true?

I'm from Los Angeles. I've never noticed any offences by questions

about parents. But then, I don't ever remember anyone asking about

them unless they already personally knew them. On the other hand,

I've seen fights break out in response to the words, "Your Momma!"

I'm not sure, but these words may have a sexual connotation.

One person insults another.

The second responds, "F___ You!"

The first says, "Your Mother!"

Is this a California thing? I've lived in Utah for six years and

haven't heard it here once.


Tom Uharriet

Springville, Utah