Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 14:35:10 -0500
Subject: Re: "...and them..."
Since the "...and them..." thread has been picked up again, I thought I
might mention (in case someone else didn't do it earlier) that a similar
phenomenon is found in a number of Creole languages, apparently without
negative connotation. In each case I know of, the postnominal plural
marker whose form derives from a 3pl. pronoun is placed after a proper name
to render a meaning equivalent to that of "X and them" in English, that is,
"X and his or her family" or "X and people associated with X." Ingrid
Neumann (_Le creole de Breaux Bridge, Louisiane..._, Buske, 1985) notes the
following examples from Louisiana Creole:
Sa se pu Velma-je. "That's for Velma and her family."
Doktoer Grajo~, sa s te doktoer a mom-je. "Doctor Graillant was
the doctor of my mother and her family."
Neumann also cites examples from Alleyne (_Comparative
Afro-American_, Karoma, 1980) for several English-based creoles and one
from Goodman (_A comparative study of Creole French dialects_, Mouton,
1964) for Dominican Creole. Alleyne's example from Jamaica is
Mieri dem "Mary and her friends"
Goodman's example from Dominican Creole is
Mado yo ale beye "Mado 'and company' have gone (to) bathe."
It would be interesting to know if spoken French has anything resembling
the "...and them..." structure which might have served as a model for the
constructions in the French-based creoles.
Tom Klingler
Department of French and Italian
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 862-3120 (office)
(504) 865-8020
Email: klingler[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]