Dear Allan,
A note from Charlotte Read (dated June 1st) acknowledges the letter we
sent from ADS/Chicago wishing them well. Would you please copy this to
any people you think would be interested in it.
* * * * *
Dear Richard,
Even though it is so very late, I would like you to know how much
Allen appreciated the greetings you sent from the ADS/ANS meeting on
December 29 in Chicago. Allen is not writing letters these days, but his
health is continuing to improve and he is getting along very well.
Tomorrow he will celebrate his 90th birthday. He walks around the
neighborhood every day, and enjoys reading. He thanks you for collecting
and sending the list of friends at the Chicago meeting. We hope you will
have a fine summer.
Sincerely, MANY THANKS!
Charlotte Allen
P. S. We also enjoyed the list of candidates for words of the year 1995.