Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 22:01:08 -0400
From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: Re: Allen Walker Read
My previous posting has generated a response that I deeply regret and
did not think that I had implied. I had two points to make, both of which
are important.
First, Allen Walker Read has turned ninety years old, and this is
reason to celebrate. I hold him in the highest regard, and the general
public should be aware of his work.
Second, I've written for the next American Political Items Collectors
KEYNOTER magazine an updated article on "O.K." It serves as an important
supplement to the articles that Read wrote for AMERICAN SPEECH over thirty
years ago.
The KEYNOTER, unlike AMERICAN SPEECH, contains pictures, and the very
many "O.K." political items will be shown for the first time. You'll see the
Oll for Klay badges. You'll see the pOlK badges. You'll see the O.K. barrel
of hard cider. You'll also see citations for previously undiscovered O.K.'s,
O.W.'s (oll wright), O.F.M.'s (our first men), O.L.C.'s (our leading
citizens), K.C.'s (kitchen cabinet), and more.
When it comes out, I think you'll all enjoy it. APIC is on the
internet at
Also, if anyone has any previously unpublished O.K. stuff, please
e-mail me immediately so it can be credited and included.
Again, that's all I meant to say, and I feel it's very important to the
topic. I sincerely apologize for the off-topic remark that caused the
previous postings.