Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 09:52:29 -0500
From: Cynthia Bernstein bernscy[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MAIL.AUBURN.EDU
Subject: 3 Types of Observers--Jewish (fwd)
I thought that ADS-ers would appreciate these distinctions:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 96 15:36:29 EST5EDT
From: Laurence G. Kahn kahn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Subject: 3 Types of Observers--Jewish
Original-From: ltsilver[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (LT Silverman)
Original-Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 15:21:49 -0400
Three types of individual commonly watch indoor games like chess or bridge:
kibbitzers, dibbitzers and tstsibachers. A kibbitzer is a person who tells
the player what to play. A dibbitzer is a rather more timid soul who stands
behind the kibbitzer and tells him what to tell the players. A tstsibacher
is a very rare individual who stands at the edge of a large crowd watching
a game of chess or bridge and for perhaps an hour at a time says nothing.
Yet he knows where every card is, where every trick is, the potential of
the weakest pawn. Yet he says not a single word. However, every so often,
at the play of a card or move of a piece, he sadly shakes his head and
clicks his tongue "tsitsitsitsi."
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:: \`'\/`' C:......:.:HAVE AN OZ-SOME DAY!:{ o o }__/______\: ,--'`--. ::
:' ` O O | O O |:LT Silverman &Family:{ =o= }/// O O \() O O ():
: - == == | |: e-mail address: :} U {:/| /\ () ():
:( \ `'`' / \ `--' /:: ltsilver[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] ::\ `==' /()\ `--' /():
`'` '`' l/ [ ] [ ]
Larry Kahn __ __ __ __ Senior Software Engineer
/ \ / \ / \ / \ Dynamics Research Corp.
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kahn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] / / \ / \ / \ / \ \____ kahn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
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