Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 13:06:22 -0400
Subject: Re: waft
I'm not sure I qualify as "from the South", having been born
in NYC, raised in Jamaica WI, and lived in Georgia from age 14-23! but
the question is more like, what was the phonological input for a
particular lexical item, namely "waft"-- and since my mother is a
Georgian, it may be I acquired it from her. On the other hand it could
well be a spelling pronunciation, as literary words often are, in
which case regional trends might not have much to do with it...
Anyway, I do rhyme "waft" with "raft", and it never even
occurred to me it might be pronounced otherwise until your query!
Can anyone think of common words ending in "-aft" which take
the /ah/ vowel in American English? I'm stumped. Which suggests that
anyone who gets their spelling pronunciation by analogy is very likely
to end up with the /ae/ one, like me; cf. "craft, daft, haft, aft" etc.
--peter patrick