Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 12:19:04 -0400
From: Ron Butters RonButters[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: WAFT and the Principle of Linguistic Entropy
My AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY tells me that one can pronounce WAFT to rime
either with FATHER (first choice) or PAT (second choice). I appreciate all
the psycholinguistic speculation going on here, and I would not care to imply
that there may not be some geosocial distribution behind the variablity of
the A in WAFT. But I also would like to suggest that real people (as opposed
to linguists) do indeed look up words in dictionaries and are influenced by
what they read there--when they can remember what they read. (Also,
dictionary makers look up pronunciations in people and write down what they
find.) You say TOE-MAY-TOE and I say TOE-MAH-TOE, you say POE-TAY-TOE and I
In other words, when a lexical item is as rare as WAFT, most people haven't
made up their minds and really don't care very much one way of the
other--especially when their dictionary tells them that they can go either
way. ( I can't even decide whether I want to use SWUM as the past participle
of SWIM, and I swim about five miles a week.) This is what Hjelmslev called
the "Principle of Linguistic Entropy."