Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 11:33:27 -0400
From: Ron Butters RonButters[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: Re: WAFT and the Principle of Linguistic Entropy
Yes, but doesn't this [i.e., the fact that dictionary makers list two
pronunciations] just beg the question (in the original meaning of
that phrase)? The lexicographers who put the two pronunciations in the
dictionary got them from SOMEWHERE. And where they got them, ultimately,
as you point out, was from informants. Even if some of these informants
were influenced by a dictionary entry, at some point we still get back to
such things as, yes, perhaps psycholinguistic and geosocial factors, but
certainly to plain old phonology and regional variation.
Well, no, it doesn't "beg the question" (which I take to mean 'take the
argument for granted without proof; assert the argument as proof of the
argument)'. The argument that I was trying to make is that there are
pronunciational variants that (1) do not correlate with social or
geographical variables and (2) do not necessarily arise for most speakers by
"analogy" in any very interesting sense of the term. E.g., the two
pronunciations of ECONOMICS. Given the normal operation of the English
spelling system, WAFT is either going to rime with FATHER (however one says
it) or RAFT (however one says it)--so much for analogy (which is not to say
that Peter Patrick doesn't have a point in saying that WAFT looks more like
RAFT, etc., than it does like words with the A of FATHER, only that Patrick
is sort of wrong in say;ing that there is no analogical basis for
/wahft/--FATHER is an analogial basis!). Given the relative rareness of the
term, most people will have rarely heard it pronounced, and will not be
likely to have strong opinions about it if they do--so much for important
geosocial factors. Moreover, dictionaries list both pronunciations without
comment or real judgment, and people (in this modern world of today) do look
up pronunciations in dictionaries for unfamiliar words and try to be guided
by them--so dictionaries would further diminish any analogical or geosocial
factors. So, I disagree soewhat with Peter Patrick when hesays that " you'd
have to get /wahft/ elsewhere, eg by direct aural
evidence." You get /wahft/ from FATHER and you get /wahft/ from dictionaries.
If there really IS a geographical distirbution of the two pronunciations,
THAT would be interesting, since such a distribution seems contraary to what
one would predict.
It is also an interesting question just where the dictionary makers come up
with the two pronunciations for odd words. In many cases, I'm afraid, the
source is just other, older dictionaries. Look up THEW in your nearest
dictionary, for example, and you will find only thyoo , never thoo even
though this is a word that almost nobody uses, and even though thy- is a
hghly unusual--unique?--way to begin an English word. Where could a
dictionary maker possibly hear the word pronounced by a native speaker under
natural circumstances, let alone a native speaker who had learned the word
from speech rather than writing? As for /waeft/ versus /wahft/ in
dictionaries, who knows if this isn't just mostly something that dictionaries
have been carrying along for eons with the ultimate historical origin being
(at least in part) the general variation in low vowels in American English
rather than a true doublet --there are, after all, Amercans who pronounce
RAFT in what sounds (to me) more like /rahft/ than /raeft/, but my dictionary
doesn't note that because RAFT ls a comon word, not a poetical one.