Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 22:49:00 +0900

From: Daniel Long dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]X.AGE.OR.JP

Subject: Re: Seeking permission to post book announcements (fwd)

I have little to add to Wayne's comments below, but I would very much

like to see announcements of a small, select number of relevant new

publications. Perhaps more that than those of you Stateside, I have a

problem finding out about new books in English. At the same time, I

have (along the rest of you) seen the kind of commercial junk that finds

its way into our mail boxes because of subscribing to these lists. I

can say that, in the case in question, the book is from Benjamins and I

didn't know about it already, and was interested in hearing about it, so

if someone is tabbing the votes, I vote "yea". (Is that spelled write?)

Danny Long

Wayne Glowka wrote:

YES, I would agree to the posting of book advertisements as long as the

books are relevant to the interests of the list.

But I hate spam telling me about new business opportunities as much as I

hate phone calls during dinner from people who want to tell me about an

amazing new product to make my septic tank run smoothly forever.


(Dr.) Daniel Long, Associate Professor

Japanese Language Research Center

Osaka Shoin Women's College

4-2-26 Hishiyanishi

Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan 577

tel and fax +81-6-729-1831

email dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]