Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 13:59:25 -0700
From: Garland D Bills gbills[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UNM.EDU
Subject: Re: nasal flaps?
On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Ron Butters wrote:
Flap or tap, I honestly didn't know what Peter meant--still don't....
Ron: We're talking about an alveolar nasal with the rapidity of
articulation that makes it a tap or flap rather than a stop. Thus, for me,
"sentence" has a nasal tap/flap while "penance" has a nasal stop. For some
people, this phenomenon might be a nasalized vowel and a "regular"
(non-nasal) alveolar tap, but for me it's definitely a nasal tap.
Garland D. Bills E-mail: gbills[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Department of Linguistics Tel.: (505) 277-7416
University of New Mexico FAX: (505) 277-6355
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1196 USA