Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 16:21:52 EDT
From: Terry Lynn Irons t.irons[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MOREHEAD-ST.EDU
Subject: Bade
The long a pronunciation, as Jesse suggests, is probably a spelling
pronunciation (how often do you hear "bade" these days) either by analogy
with words such as "made" "fade" etc or by influence of phonics.
As I understand it from my elementary language arts students who take a
course in phonics, the rule to use is, a vowel before a single consonant
and a final silent 'e' is long. Exs., hid, hide, mad, made, bad, bade?
Does this apply to forbade as well? It is more likely to occur, I think,
than bade?
Virtually, Terry
Terry Lynn Irons t.irons[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Voice Mail: (606) 783-5164
Snail Mail: UPO 604 Morehead, KY 40351