Date: Sun, 20 Jul 1997 22:03:37 -0400
From: "Virginia P. Clark" Virginia.Clark[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: QUERY: poma lift
At 03:51 PM 7/19/97 -0400, Orin Hargraves wrote:
At Rocky Mt. ski resorts I remember a sort of ski lift, what some
dictionaries call a surface lift, that the skier straddles while being
dragged on skis up the mountain. I don't find the term poma lift
(pronounced as if spelled pomma) in any dictionary, unless I'm spelling i=
wrong. Can anyone tell me if this is a trademark, or if not, what its
derivation is?
_RH_, unabridged, 2d ed., has the following entry:
"Poma lift. Trademark. A ski lift having a disklike support, placed
between the legs, against which a skier leans while being pulled uphill.
Also Pomalift."
Sometime between 1955 and 1957, what was supposed to be the first Poma
lift in the U.S. was installed at Burke Mountain in northern Vermont.
Riding it for the first week or so that it operated was fairly exciting--it
lifted people (and their skis, of course) off the snow for the first twenty
feet or so. I don't think many of them are still operating; I'd like to
know if there are some.