Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 13:30:22 +0000
From: Duane Campbell dcamp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]EPIX.NET
Subject: Re: Amelioration of 'suck' and other such
At 10:08 AM 7/23/97 -0500, you wrote:
Someone remarked on the amelioration of 'getting shafted/screwed' and the
like last week. Does anyone have a list of body-specific or sexual
activity- specific words or expressions that have generalized or softened?
I write a weekly column on gardening, a cohort of readers not noted as a
particularly rowdy lot. I've used "screwed" several times without a whisper
of complaint from any editors or readers. (Though it is possible that some
editors changed it without my knowing.)
Duane Campbell dcamp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]