Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 22:01:42 -0400
From: Fred Shapiro fred.shapiro[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]YALE.EDU
Subject: Re: "Privilege" as a Verb
Here's what I find from some quick research: It appears to me that
"privileging" in the vogue use you are referring to probably originated as
a Marxist term, although it may have had some non-Marxist roots as well.
I find reference to "the educational opportunities privileging certain
status & income-groups" in a 1977 abstract of a German article in
_Sociological Abstracts_. E. D. Hirsch, Jr. published an article entitled
"Privileged Criteria in Literary Evaluation" in the _Yearbook of
Comparative Criticism_ in 1969, but I have not examined this article and
cannot be sure of the meaning of his usage of _privileged_ here.
+ Fred R. Shapiro Editor +
+ Associate Librarian for Public Services OXFORD DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN +
+ Yale Law School LEGAL QUOTATIONS +
+ e-mail: shapiro[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (Oxford University Press) +