Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:39:27 PDT


Subject: Re: SME t + glide (was canadian choon for tune)

Re chewsdi vs /tjuzdi/: If you are (as I am) one of the CE speakers who

uses the t+glide regularly (tune, Tuesday, student, stew, etc. - and the

voiced version as well, eg due/dew vs do), then the difference is probably

registral (i.e. rapid/casual speech vs more formal speech). For instance,

I'd say to a class, "The next quiz will be on /tyuzdi/," but leaving the

office on Friday afternoon, I'll likely say, "See ya chewsdi " (it's against

my principles to come in on a Monday). Of course, there are a lot of CE

speakers who would never use either of these versions, but stick to the plain

/t/ and /d/. And then there's a sort of half-way pronunciation that I'm not

even going to attempt to represent here.