Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 09:18:03 -0400

From: "Bethany K. Dumas" dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UTK.EDU

Subject: Int'l Ass'n of Forensic Linguists 3 - Duke University - 4-7 Sept. 97


3rd Biannual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic

Linguists (Registration Information Follows Program]

Program (4-7 September 1997) [updated 28 July 1997]

Schedule at a Glance

Thur. 4ix97

3:30-5:30 1. Interpretation and Translation in the Legal Field I

5:30-7:00 2. Reception

Friday 5ix97

9:00-10:30 3. The Legal Significance of Ordinary Words

10:45-12:15 4. Legal Language

1:30-3:00 5. Style and Discourse

3:15-4:45 6. Electronic resources for Forensic Linguistics (3)

5:00-6:00 7. Plenary 1: Roger Shuy, Georgetown U.

Saturday 6ix97

8:30-10:30 8. Interpretation and Translation in the Legal Field II

10:45-12:15 9. Language in the Courtroom

1:30-3:00 10. Language and Power

3:15-4:45 11. Linguistic Issues in Legal Documents

5:00-6:00 12. Plenary 2: Larry Solan, Brooklyn College of Law

6:30-9:00 13. Banquet


8:30-9:30 14. General Business Meeting

9:45-11:45 15. Interpretation and Translation in the Legal Field III

Papers and Presenters

1. Interpretation and Translation in the Legal Field I (Thursday 3:30-5:30)

William Hewitt, National Center for State Courts, VA

Court interpretation test: What we have learned and where

Robert Joe Lee, Administrative Office of the Courts, NJ

Models for delivering court interpreting services

Chris Howard, Administrative Office of the Courts, MD

Computer assisted language testing for court interpreters

Lois M. Feuerle, Office of Court Administration, NYC, and Joanne I. Moore, WA

State Supreme Court

Equal access to justice: how much accuracy is enough?

2. Reception (Thursday 5:30-7:00)

3. The Legal Significance of Ordinary Words (Friday 9-10:30)

Ronald Butters, Jeremy Sugarman, and Lyla Kaplan, Duke U.

What patients really know about the terms used in obtaining informed consent:

false comfort, unreasonable fear, and "medical research"

Michael Walsh, U. of Sydney

Ordinary English words: the language of the Aboriginal Land Commissioner

Claire A. Hill, George Mason U. School of Law

Order in the shadow of the law or, how contracts do things with words

4. Legal Language (Friday 10:45-12:15)

C. Rodolfo Celis, U. of Chicago

Towards a forensic lexicography

Roger W. Cole, U. of South Florida

Forensic linguistics and applied linguistics: The role of legal English in

the law schools of the Czech Republic

Pamela Price Klebaum, UCLA

The social indexicality of a legal argument

5. Style and Discourse (Friday 1:30-3:00)

Susan Blackwell, U. of Birmingham, UK

Taking a closer look at "look": discourse markers in disputed texts

Malcolm Coulthard U. of Birmingham, UK

Disputed confessions: disputed authorship methodologies and problems

Bruce Fraser, Boston U.

Threatening revisited

6. Electronic resources for Forensic Linguistics (Friday 3:15-4:45)

Carole Chaski, Justice Department, Washington, DC

An electronic parsing system for document authentication

A. R. Gray, P. J. Sallis, and S. G. MacDonell, U. of Otago, New Zealand

Software forensics: extending authorship analysis to computer programs

David G. Hale, Olin Corporation, and Bethany K. Dumas, U. of Tennessee

Electronic resources for forensic linguistics: creating a web journal

7. Plenary 1: Roger Shuy, Georgetown U. (Friday 5:00-6:00)

Nine unanswered language questions about Miranda

8. Interpretation and Translation in the Legal Field II (Saturday 8:30-10:30)

John Gibbons, U. of Sydney, and Sandra Hale, U. of Western Sydney, Macarthur

Different realities: patterned changes in the interpreter's representation of

courtroom and external realities

Jenny Chan, Independent Commission Against Corruption, H.K.

Between Cantonese and English in court

Mami Hiraike Okawara, U. of Econ., Japan

The practice of interpreting in Japanese criminal cases

Susan Berk-Seligson, U. of Pittsburgh

How lawyers' questions can be made less coercive or more so: it's all up to

the court interpreter

9. Language in the Courtroom (Saturday 10:45-12:15)

Diana Eades, U. of Hawai'i at Manoa

Why did you lie to me? Language and power in the courtroom

Keller S. Magenau, Georgetown U.

An American rape trial: how the adversarial system of the American court

serves to privilege the framing of rape as consensual sex

Biljana Martinovski, U. of Gothenburg

Interactive mechanisms and feature in courtroom communication

10. Language and Power (Saturday 1:30-3:00)

Wm. O'Barr, Duke U., and John M. Conley, U. of North Carolina/Chapel Hill

Law, language, and power

Gillian Grebler, Santa Monica, CA

Vulnerable testimony: police interrogation and false confessions

11. Linguistic Issues in Legal Documents (Saturday 3:15-4:45)

Jeffrey Kaplan, San Diego State U.

Linguistic issues in the interpretation of wills

Bryan A. Liang, Pepperdine U. School of Law

Listening to the dead: culture and bias in interpreting dying declarations

Dennis H. Inman, Magistrate, Eastern District of Tennessee

Jury instructions from the judge's perspective

12. Plenary 2: Larry Solan, Brooklyn College of Law (Saturday 5:00-6:00)


13. Banquet (Saturday 6:30-9:00)

14. Gen'l Meeting of the Ass'n/Gen'l Business Meeting (Sunday 8:30-9:30)

15. Interpretation and Translation in the Legal Field III (Sunday 9:45-11:45)

Weiping Wu, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC

Evaluation of summary translation ability for linguists in law

enforcement agencies

Charles Stansfield, Second Language Testing Inc., MD

Standards for licensing court interpreters

Patricia Michelsen, Certified Federal Court Interpreter, VA

Court interpreters: training and certification

K.K. Sin, City U. of Hong Kong, HK

One country, two legal systems: problems in translating English legislation

into Chinese in Hong Kong

----- Registration -----


LINGUISTS, 4-7 September, 1997, at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina,


REGISTRATON: Fees include regular sessions, conference package, three

continental breakfasts, coffee breaks, two box lunches, and a reception.

Advance registration fee: US $100 (on-site $135); Advance student

registration fee: US $70 (on-site $105); Optional Banquet: US $35. To

qualify for advanced registration, fees should be received prior to 15 August

1997. Registration fees should be sent in American dollars to: Mr. Charles

Carson, IAFL Conference Co-ordinator / Duke University / Box 90018 / Durham,

NC 27708-0018. Checks should be made out to Duke University. Receipts will be

mailed in return. Questions can be sent to the above address or via e-mail to


ACCOMMODATIONS: The conference will be hosted at the Washington Duke Inn, a

luxury hotel on the Duke University campus, featuring a four-diamond

restaurant and an 18-hole championship golf course. Rooms are $98 US + 11%

occupancy tax (for single or double occupancy; $10 additional for each

additional person, up to 4 in a room). A block of 40 rooms will be held at

this rate until 5 August 1997. If more than 40 people register prior to the

deadline, they may receive our conference rate based on availability. Also,

attendees can have the conference rate for up to two days before or after the

conference-again, based on availability. To make reservations, call, fax, or

write the Washington Duke Inn (mention the IAFL conference).

Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club

3001 Cameron Blvd

Durham NC 27706 USA

(919) 490-0999; Fax: (919) 688-0105

Reservations: (800) 443-3853

Web site:

Flights should be scheduled into Raleigh/Durham International

Airport;transportation can be obtained to and from the Washington Duke for US


Bethany K. Dumas, J.D., Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Language & Law

Department of English EMAIL: dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

415 McClung Tower (423) 974-6965, (423) 974-6926 (FAX)

University of Tennessee Editor, Language in the Judicial Process:

Knoxville, TN 37996-0430 USA