Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 20:28:50 -0500 From: Ditra Henry Subject: Re: "On the Thames.." A very interesting discussion has come about between myself and a collegue. He is from Conneticut and he said there is a city there named Norwich and there is a river that flows between Norwich and a place called New London. The name of the river is the Thames. However the name is pronounced with the 'th' sound in thigh and ames rhymes with ames in James. Since the Brits do not use this prnounciation we were wondering how the natives to this area came up with this pornunciation. Is it from the old English or is it a spelling pronunciation that may have come about years later after the original founders passed on? Puzzled in Chicago Ditra and Ken Northeastern Illinois University 5700 NOrth St. Louis Ave. Chicago, Il 60654