Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 14:16:05 +0100 From: "E.W. Schneider" Subject: Teach English in Germany? The University of Regensburg, Germany, announces an unanticipated vacany for a position of Lektor, to teach English for a period of up to five years. An informal job description follows. Applications should reach me by August 21; the job should be taken up at the beginning of our winter term, Nov. 1. Candidates who reacted to a similar announcement earlier this year should state there continuing interest but need not submit full applications. Don't hesitate to ask me if there are any further questions. Edgar Schneider edgar.schneider[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Lektors in the English Department (Institut fuer Anglistik und Amerikanistik) of the University of Regensburg An Informal Job Description I. Job Description In their capacities as native speakers of English and citizens of the English-speaking countries, Lektors in the English Department of the University of Regensburg teach courses in two specific areas : practical language instruction (i.e. English as a foreign language) and Landeskunde (i.e. introductory courses in British/American/Canadian culture, history, geography etc.). Practical language courses are taught at various levels (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and include: Translation (German into English; English into German is taught by German instructors); Composition (Essay-Writing and Discussion at all levels); English Grammar (with a comparative view of English a nd German grammar); Vocabulary; Phonetics (mostly language lab instruction); General Language Courses which combine many aspects of the courses mentioned above. Also, Lektors are responsible for devi sing and administering tests in these areas. Landeskunde courses are designed to give the students a general outline of British/American/Canadian culture, history, geography, economics etc. There are survey courses for beginners and courses on special topics for advanced students (e.g. ethnic problems, educational systems, recent history, political institutions, etc.). II. Required Qualifications Prospective applicants for the position of Lektor must be native speakers of English and fluent in German, and they must have lived in an English-speaking country for two years prior to employment. C andidates must have at least a Master's degree in English, linguistics, German, or possibly some related field; a Ph.D. or ABD status would be a plus. Also, they should have some formal training in t eaching English as a foreign language (TESOL); for applicants from Great Britain, the TEFL exam is required. Some teaching experience, for example as graduate assistants, preferably in German or Engl ish as a foreign language, or, a previous stay of a few months or more in a German-speaking country would be helpful. As this is a non-tenure position, candidates should make clear that in the long r un they seek a professional career in their home country, for which a temporary stay in Germany would be beneficial, however. III. Working Conditions Lektors are given a two-year contract which may be renewed for another three-year period (but the employment period cannot be extended beyond those five years). The teaching load is 16 hours per week (4 to 8 different courses) during the semester (the winter semester lasts from November through February, the summer semester from May through July), and probably about one course per semester break (fall and spring), depending on other activities. Further duties include participation in the planning, administering, and correction of various exams, some student tutoring, some participation in t he administrative business of the institute, and occasional service functions as native speakers for other department members. Thus, during the months of March and April and August through October, L ektors must be present at the university, unless they are on vacation (roughly 5 to 6 weeks per year, depending on age and legal regulations) or special leave of absence. Job duties do not include re search work, although the job should leave some spare time for such activities. The salary is calculated according to the BAT IIa scale of the German civil service. There are fringe benefits. Salary and fringe benefits depend on age and family status. For those Lektors employed during the whole calendar year there is a thirteenth monthly salary (otherwise, the appropriate fractions are paid for each month of employment). Altogether, the average salary of a Lektor currently amounts to roughly between 48,000 and 55,000 DM net per annum. The salary is paid in monthly instalments. Please send applications or requests for further information to: Prof. Dr. Edgar W. Schneider, Universit,t Regensburg, Institut fuer Anglistik und Amerikanistik, D-93040 Regensburg, phone no. [011-49-](0941) 943 3470, fax no. [011-49-](0941) 943 4992, e-mail: edga r.schneider[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]sprachlit.uni-regensburg-de. Edgar.Schneider[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany phone (int. line)-49-941-9433470 fax (int. line)-49-941-9434992