Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 17:29:12 -0500 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: Bounced Mail **************************************************************** REMINDER: WHEN INCLUDING A PREVIOUS LIST POSTING IN SOMETHING YOU'RE SENDING TO THE LIST, BE SURE TO EDIT OUT ALL REFERENCES TO ADS-L IN THE HEADERS. **************************************************************** > Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 16:09:11 -0400 > From: "L-Soft list server at UGA (1.8b)" > Subject: ADS-L: error report from MDH-ENVH.HEALTH.STATE.MN.US > >The enclosed message, found in the ADS-L mailbox and shown under the spool ID >2684 in the system log, has been identified as a possible delivery error notice >for the following reason: "Sender:", "From:" or "Reply-To:" field pointing to >the list has been found in mail body. > > ------------------ Message in error (36 lines) -------------------------- > From: "Tim Burkhardt" > Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 15:10:42 CST > Subject: Re: monkey blood > > I'm wondering if you were sending this as a joke or not. > Enironmental health sure is a fun discipline. > > Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 13:39:39 CST > From: Joan Hall > Subject: Re: monkey blood > > Does anyone know the term "monkey blood" referring to Mercurochrome, > Merthiolate, or iodine? If so, please say when and where. Thanks. > > Joan Hall, DARE > jdhall[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] > Tim Burkhardt > (612) 215-0915 > MDH Site Assessment & Consultation