Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 15:16:39 CDT
Subject: Yankee
David, etal.
I found a few interesting items on Yankee in the Scott-Foresman
Company citation files we hold. [For those who don't know, this
collection contains ca. 350 linear feet of citations collected for
Thorndike-Barnhart, World Book, etc. dictionaries. Includes citations
collected by Clarence Barnhart and others.]
First is a variant on your note. A letter to the Wall Street
Journal (1/7/1977) page 6 reads: "The word Yankee itself is
ambiguous--depending on one's point of view. To people in other parts
of the world it simply means someone from the United States; to people
in the United States it means someone from north of the Mason-Dixon
line; to us northerners it means someone from New England; to New
Englanders it means someone from Vermont; to Vermonters it means
someone from the Green Mountains; to Green Mountain Vermonters it
means someone who eats apple pie for breakfast; to Green Mountain
Vermonters who eat apple pie for breakfast it means someone who eats
it with his knife."
2. Newsweek (7/31/1978), p. 65. ". . . Perkins was at bottom a
Vermont Yankee who inherited the conscience and some of the
eccentricities of his New England forebears."
3. [The source is simply the acronym NY; maybe New Yorker]
(4/28/1956), page 43. "Basically, Yankees meant countrypeople who
were of English settler stock. . . . Their habitat was in particular
New Hampshire and Vermont, although they were scattered over the rest
of New England. Their pronunciation of the English language has a
peculiar salty flavor. . . "
4. I am curious if you have taken a look at B. A. Botkin, ed., A
Treasury of New England Folklore: Stories, Ballads, and Traditions of
the Yankee People (New York: Crown, 1947. I know it contains
Mencken's etymology of Yankee and wonder if it might give other
Randy Roberts
Western Historical Manuscript Collection
University of Missouri-Columbia