Date: Tue, 20 Jun 1995 19:48:45 -0500
Subject: Re: Maps
On Tue, 20 Jun 1995, William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. wrote:
I am not aware of any recent attempts to draw a New York City dialect
area. Carver's 1987 *American Regional Dialects* (with DARE evidence from
the 70s) doesn't do it, but does mention Metro New York in several places.
Labov has treated New York as a dialect in his work on modern urban sound
change (his *Principles of Linguistic Change*, Blackwell 1994, will give
pretty comprehensive references). Aside from those two, studies I know
come from before the 1960s.
Thank you. I have the Carver book, and will look for the Labov book.
I suspect there are people in the field who would be happy to investigate
my question if I could provide the funding....
Whether or not Bayonne, NJ, belongs to a putative NYC dialect or not
seems to me to ask for sharp boundaries where none are to be expected.
The entire NYC-Philadelphia corridor seems to be pretty heavily populated
with people who work in either NYC or Philadelphia, so one might expect
heavy influences from the big cities throughout the region (of course
more influences the closer one is to either city).
Understood. I grew up on or near what should, in theory, be the western
boundary between the Hudson Valley and Upstate New York dialects. I've
never been able to hear the difference.
Dan Goodman dsg[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]