Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 16:14:43 +0200
From: Beat Siebenhaar b7haar[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]DS.UNIZH.CH
Subject: Re: nurse / "sister"
In Switzerland the term 'Schwester' (siter) is used to adress women with
the official term 'Krankenschwester' (sick persons sister), women with a 4
jear education. For women with a shorter education there is the official
term 'Krankenpflegerin' (=89 nurse), but normally they also are called
'Schwester'. Now more and more also men become 'Krankenschwester', but its
not usual to call them 'Krankenbruder' (sick persons brother), what would
be the corresponding therm, but 'Krankenpfleger' although the have al full
Beat Siebenhaar