Date: Thu, 22 Jun 1995 18:27:57 -0400
From: "H. Stephen Straight (Binghamton University/SUNY)"
Subject: Re: A Dumb Question about the NEH
The VERY amiable Glowka/Kretschmar "debate", in which I find myself
agreeing with both sides (as do the two of them, apparently), left out one
prominent pro-NEH point. Ironically, I present this point despite my own
(sour grape-ish?) displeasure with what I perceive as an elitist
(rich-get-richer) bias in the NEH peer-review process. Specifically, NEH
provides for the humanities as a whole, very much as NSF does for other
disciplines, and as FIPSE does for higher-education instructional domains,
a well-developed nationally-representative mechanism for the funding of
discipline-based scholarly research. To abandon these national
clearinghouses for research would be as ridiculous (and as reasonable, if
you have a mind to do it) as to abandon the MLA, the AHA, the APA, the
AAA, the LSA, and (pick your disciplinary acronym) all the other national
forums for the public presentation and publication of the results of the
funded (and unfunded) research. Would we have each state attempt to
duplicate the nationally-composed review panels? Would we have each
state (or regional) disciplinary organization attempt to represent the
entire nation in the composition of its conference program committees?
Elimination of national "bureaucracies" in these area might
quickly lead to the spawning of even more wasteful, and far less
effective, state-by-state bureaucracies. (This is reminiscent of the
well-documented fact that single-payer national health-care bureaucracies
extract fewer premium dollars for administrative costs than the
collective costs extracted by the existing myriad of private
health-insurance providers.)
signature =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
H Stephen STRAIGHT, Assoc Prof of Anthro & of Ling, Binghamton Univ (SUNY)
Director: Grad Studies in Anthro, Prog in Ling, and Lgs Across the Curric
Box 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000; Voice: 607-777-2824; Fax: -2889/-2477