Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 14:12:09 -0500
From: jeffrey howard allen jhallen[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]INDIANA.EDU
Subject: queries re IPA
Answer to the attached message:
There is an IPA software package for Wordperfect 5.1 that can emulate dot
matrix printers and Bubble Jet printers. The information I received on
it a couple of years ago was printed by both dot matrix and laser
printers. It is a distributor in Germany. I know exactly where the
brochure is at home, next to the phonetics and phonology books. I saw it
the other evening while reorganizing some stuff. This application works
within WP 5.1 in the Lines and Boxes menu.
Please give me your snail mail address if you want copies of what I
received from the distributor.
Jeff Allen
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 12:19:40 CST
From: Luanne von Schneidemesser lvonschn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU
Subject: queries re IPA, jig time, lay with
Can you help on any of the following?
First the technical: We are looking for an IPA font to run on DOS, not
Windows, for a BubbleJet, which emulates a dot matrix printer, not a laser
printer. I tried all the responses from last year's Linguist list which
were passed on to me, but the people have left no forwarding address so the
mail was simply returned to me, or, as with the SIL font, the font is only
for Windows or for laser printers. Laser printers don't do well with 4 x 6
inch paper. Can anyone help, pleeeease?