Date: Sun, 25 Jun 1995 15:48:10 -0400

From: Ross Hedvicek naafetee[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]HOOKUP.NET

Subject: New Mailing List Announcement

Note to moderator:

I would like to submit following maillist announcement for possible

distribution to your subscribers. We found out that especially people from

universities as well as from all and most improbable walks of life are

interested in it. Thank you for your kindness,

Ross Hedvicek naafetee[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]



There is a new maillist EEUROPE-BUSINESS, which is

dedicated to doing business in Eastern Europe - with clear

mission that subscribers are able to post there their offers

and requests, commercial or non-commercial (as long

as they are related to Eastern Europe), business leads (from

and for Eastern Europe) and advertisements (for goods which

are saleable to Eastern Europe) are welcomed (not discouraged).

The list is NOT moderated - this is intentional feature (abusers

will be flamed by other subscribers :-))) ) Maillist is available in

digest form (as an option) - in case that traffic get heavy.

You can subscribe by sending mail SUBSCRIBE eeurope-business

to "listmanager[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]". The list is controlled by sending mail to

"listmanager[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]". If you send it a message with "help" in

the message body, it will respond by sending you a list of the

commands it knows. Mailing address for posting is

"eeurope-business[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]".

Ross Hedvicek naafetee[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
