Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 18:30:12 -0400
From: Allan Metcalf AAllan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
Subject: NEH congressional news
Keeping an eye on Congress with regard to money for the National Endowment
for the Humanities is John Hammer of the National Humanities Alliance. His
electronic report follows.
(Before presenting the report, I want to express my appreciation for the NEH
discussion, both calm and heated, on ADS-L. As humanists and taxpayers, as we
go about our business, ADS members in the U.S. can hardly avoid taking NEH
into account. Personally, I think it has made useful contributions to
Americans' self-understanding, e.g. DARE. But whatever you think, you deserve
to be informed about the significant funding decisions coming along.) - Allan
Wed, Jun 28, 1995 9:27 AM CDT
On the House Appropriations Committee markup for FY-96 appropriations for
NEH and the cancellation of the Senate Labor Committee markup.
A report from John Hammer and Cuc Vu at the National Humanities Alliance
Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee marked up the Interior and
Related Agencies bill for FY-96 and sent it on toward the floor -- perhaps as
early as the week of July 10. In the 6/20/95 subcommittee markup, $50
million was moved from the Biological Survey to the NEH bringing the
humanities agency total to just short of $150 million. In a deal worked
out in advance of yesterday's full committee markup, the $50 million was
moved to Interior Department programs (mostly Bureau of Land Management) and
NEH dropped back to $99.5 million. The deal in exchange for the $50
million is a commitment by Ralph Regula, chair of the Interior
subcommittee, to seek a protective rule that would block removing money
for the endowment because they are not authorized when the bill reaches
the floor. If the Rules Committee agrees to the protective rule it will
be a substantial step forward in the campaign to retain the endowments.
The prospects of the Rules Committee acting favorably are fairly bright
because the committee will also be asked to protect the Bureau of Land
Management since it is also unauthorized.
During the 6/20 subcommittee markup, Jim Kolbe (R-AZ 5th) proposed that
80% of NEH's funds be shifted to the state humanities councils but
withdrew the amendment when advised that it would change the legislation
and was therefore beyond the scope of an appropriations bill. In the
full committee, a revised proposal from Mr. Kolbe to increase funds for
the states by $5 million was accepted. That means that the states will
be included at $23 million rather than $18 million when the bill goes to
the floor.
Comment - Last January, it looked as though the NEH campaign was going to
have to deal with an appropriations situation in the house in which the
endowments would be largely excluded from the process due to a lack of
legislative authorization. Against that background, the outcome is
good. (If we succeed in getting a significantly higher appropriation on
the Senate side we could escape with as little as 20/25% cut. The $50
million addition in the subcommittee had very little to do with NEH.
Rather it was the politics of the Endangered Species Act and the Interior
Department that drove the move -- While the $50 million would have been
nice, success on Rules Committee protection could be more valuable.
The move of $5 million to the states is also useful to the overall
effort since the $18 million level included in the subcommittee report
would be such a sharp cut as to cause some state councils to go out of
Finally, the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee markup scheduled
for today was abruptly cancelled last night. As of this writing, we have
not learned why the cancellating occurred. Senate staffers agree that it
will be at least two weeks before the markup can be rescheduled. (We had
intended to report both House Appropriations and Senate authorization in
this memo.)