Date: Sun, 29 Jun 1997 09:37:48 -0400
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: galore
I'm not sure what level of variation you are looking for, but I have an odd distinction between
having things 'up the wazoo' (with considerable phonetic variation, e.g., 'kazoo,' 'gazoo,' but only
velars I note) when I am really fed up with whatever it is. Such things may be mass or even
abstract. (I've had it with semantics; I've got semantics up the wazoo!) But 'out the wazoo' is a
different matter; there I seem to have only an abundance (and it need not be annoying, but must
be concrete and count). (The weather's been so nice this year that we've got flowers out the
wazoo. *I like phonetics. I've got it out the wazoo.)
The source of the negative sense of 'up' seems obvious, but I wonder if my contrast in both sense
and the kind of NP which can be referred to is matched by others.
This is a response to a recent Linguist posting from Jules, which follows. (I
assume this is a fit topic for the list.)
I just read, belatedly, Alan Harris's communication re
punctuation. What struck me was not the inappropriate "'", but the
word 'galore'. What the heck is that? Is it an obligatorily
post-posed adjective? Is it unique in English? It can't be a matter
of idiomatic phrases, since it seems to me it can be added to noun
plural or mass noun: Come out to our ranch, we've got horses galore,
cattle galore, sheep galore, etc.
Not to mention that notoriously yclept girlfriend/moll of James Bond a few
decades back...
I assume (and Webster's corroborates) that 'galore' is indeed a postposed
adjective, and it's not unique in this status. 'aplenty', though it can also
be an adverb, occurs in the same adjectival frames as 'galore', with the same
quantificational flavor (sheep/horses/cattle aplenty), and at least for me
prepositional phrases like 'up the wazoo' (there are others, I'm sure) are
in the same ballpark. Any other intuitions, dialect variants, etc. out there?
Dennis R. Preston
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
Office: (517)432-1235
Fax: (517)432-2736