End of ADS-L Digest - 7 Jun 1994 to 9 Jun 1994 ********************************************** There are 2 messages totalling 32 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. American Language and Culture 2. Three Dialects of English ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 20:59:08 -0700 From: Judith Rascoe Subject: Re: American Language and Culture It also occurs to me that foreign readers could be terribly confused by what _has_ been written on deodorants. Scorn for them and paeans to "fresh, healthy skin and soap and water" have been written since the '60s by well-intended back to nature types who have apparently never shared an elevator in a tropical climate with people from certain deodorant-free places in northern Europe. I think this could be a wonderful example of how actual cultural practice diverges from the declarations of the 'high culture'. Much scorn has been poured on deodorant advertising in America -- but the actual reception of a well-fed American going au naturel in the business world might be quite different. Americans, in my experience, are very much taken aback by the ripe tang of recent immigrants from the former USSR, for instance. And on the other hand, black Americans -- long accused of 'smelling' by bigots -- tend to be the least offensive patrons of the New York subway, perhaps because they'll be damned if they'll give somebody cause to criticize them.