Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 15:44:40 -0500 From: Cynthia Bernstein Subject: Re: variants: markers, indexes, stereotypes? Tim, You'll find what you want on pp. 237 ff. in _Sociolinguistic Patterns_. Cindy Bernstein On Fri, 2 Jun 1995, Timothy C. Frazer wrote: > Somewhere, Labov classes variants in the following ways, tho my memory is > imperfect: > 1. Those that are not perceived by the community but are detectable as > variants by objective oberservation. > 2. Those that people respond to on something like a subjective reaction > test but can't describe (?) > 3. Those that people are overtly aware of, and can, say, imitate. > > I seem to recall that there are names for these: markers, indexes, > stereotypes? > > I thought this was in Sociolinguistic Patterns, 1972, but I can't find it. > CAn anyone help to correct my imperfect memory and also tell me where to > find it? I need this today! I'll come back online this afternoon. > > Tim Frazer >