Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 16:07:59 -0400 From: Allan Metcalf Subject: Sid Greenbaum This unhappy news comes via John Algeo and Braj Kachru. - Allan Metcalf Fri, 31 May 1996 16:08:38 +0000 To: Braj Kachru From: ucleseu[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (Survey of English Usage) Subject: Dear Professor Kachru, I am so sorry to have to tell you that Professor Sidney Greenbaum died suddenly on Tuesday morning 28 May at Moscow State University, where he was giving a series of lectures. He will be buried at 12.20 on Monday 3 June at the Edmonton Cemetery of the Federation of Synagogues. Marie Gibney. Survey of English Usage Department of English University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT UK phone 0171-419-3121 direct line S. Greenbaum 0171-419-3120 direct line SEU Research Unit fax 0171-916-2054