End of ADS-L Digest - 12 Jun 1996 to 13 Jun 1996 ************************************************ There are 2 messages totalling 52 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. firecat (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 11:19:46 PDT From: Duane Campbell Subject: Re: firecat --- On Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:10:44 -0600 Joan Houston Hall wrote: >John Serio, editor of The Wallace Stevens Journal, has asked for help in >identifying the "firecat" in the following poem I hate it when people on a maillist who don't know what they're talking about take up valuable bandwidth and time to write nearly worthless speculation. But as the philosopher said, we become what we hate. Firecat rings a faint bell somewhere in the recesses of my mind, perhaps from eighth grade biology or some forgotten children's book. I have the vague idea, on which I would bet not a penny, regardless of the odds offered, that it is a kind of lizards in the Southwest, so named because of its ability to survive range fires. I have checked several references and can find not a hint of confirmation. I checked Alta Vista and got several hundred hits on "firecat", read many, found nothing useful. A number of people use "firecat" as a login name, and I even emailed a query to one of them, but the computer has been timed out. I am giving up on the quest, as my mind is already littered with all the petty obsessions I can handle at the moment. Duane Campbell dcamp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]epix.net In the beginning the Earth was without form and void. Why didn't they leave well enough alone?