End of ADS-L Digest - 23 Jun 1996 to 24 Jun 1996 ************************************************ There are 6 messages totalling 161 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Dare I 2. The Address Answer 3. variation in unstressed vowels (2) 4. Fwd: Re: Chicago pronc 5. Familiar breeding grounds, revisited ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 08:07:49 -0600 From: POLSKY ELLEN S Subject: Dare I I'm sorry to send this to the whole list. I tried to contact the person who is selling Dare I, but the message was undeliverable. I'm thinking that perhaps I miscopied his e-mail address. Did anyone write it down? Thanks. ESP Ellen S. Polsky (Ellen.Polsky[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]Colorado.EDU)