Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 08:29:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Ozark(s) and other plural(s)
Just to correct some impressions created by the comments on Turkey and
The Republic of Turkey (just recently born after the dissolution of the
Ottoman Empire) reformed many social institutions--politial, economic
and linguistic--and did so consciously in a desire to "turn West," not
to become a "great power" but in the belief that these institutions
were preferable to what they had before and where their past had taken
them. As with so many countries' histories, they had a leader with a
vision of a different future, and Ataturk saw the future in the West.
Turkey Romanized the orthography of Turkish because the Arabic script
that the Ottoman theocracy had enforced on the language was a bad fit; was
well beyond merely not phonetic and well into ambiguous. The new
representation of the language, togther with a descriptive grammar
presented by professional linguists, made wide-spread literacy practicable.
Perhaps an issue about the spelling of the name of the country is
something I missed. It's Turkey, isn't it? The only difficulty I ever
heard the Turks having with the name, in English speaking countries,
is that it harkens to the name of a bird they find rather stupid; in
Turkish, the bird is called "hindi," and so made someone else's problem.
Ron Rabin
Buffalo State College