Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 14:15:39 -0500

From: Abigail Sarah Margulies asm16[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]COLUMBIA.EDU

Subject: Re: second cousins

On Sat, 4 Mar 1995, Cathy C. Bodin wrote:

Can anyone define "second cousins?"

Is it right to say that your first cousin is your parent's

niece or nephew and that your first cousin once removed is your

parent's first cousin (one generation removed from you)?

Does a second cousin once removed exist? Twice removed?

Cathy Bodin

Sure. My mother's second cousin, Kenny, is my second cousin once removed.

My mother's grandmother and Kenny's grandmother were sisters.

If Kenny is alive when I have children, he will be their second cousin

twice removed.
