Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 09:47:38 -0500

From: "Connie C. Eble" cceble[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]EMAIL.UNC.EDU

Subject: MLA call for papers


If you are a member of MLA (or if you will be a member by April 1) and

would like to give a paper at the annual meeting in Chicago (Dec. 27-30,

1995) in the Language and Society session, please send an abstract to

Connie Eble by Monday, April 3. According to MLA regulations, "members

may participate as speakers or respondents in only one session." You

may, however, chair one session and give a paper in one session.

If you would like to be considered for the program, send an abstract or

a description of your paper to Connie Eble by

email cceble[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

fax 919-962-3520

snail mail Connie Eble

English Department, CB#3520

University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3520