End of ADS-L Digest - 5 Mar 1995 to 6 Mar 1995
There are 34 messages totalling 746 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. dare queries--maple seeds (3)
2. offal and pork tenderloin (2)
4. Re; British Plurals
5. loose meats, etc.
6. lowback merger
7. Loose Meat and Meat Skin (2)
8. Correction: Loose Meat and Meat Skin
9. subject blooper
10. Loose meats, etc.
11. barbecue vs. sloppy joe (3)
12. loose meat and vegans (3)
13. the Ozarks and other plurals
14. VBE and 60 Minutes (5)
15. sloppy Joes are alive and well in Utah (2)
16. dare queries--maple seeds
17. Iowa dialects and loose meat
18. vegetarian sloppy Joes
19. Conferencia Linguistica
20. DARE queries--maple seeds