Date: Sat, 11 Mar 1995 14:11:22 -0500

From: Barbara Abbott abbott[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.EDU

Subject: Re: Salty dog?

Welcome back. Hope you have nice tans, some interesting pottery or rugs, and

a worthwhile inch or two on your waistlines. Do you happen to have any inside

information or plausible theories on "salty dog" for Wayles Browne & Co.?

And aren't you impressed that Wayne Glowka (a regular on the ads list) is

familiar with ol' Charlie Poole? Anyway, "salty dog" strikes me as a more

worthwhile project than most of what's queried on the net... L.

Hi. What Glowka says sounds good. I don't know specifically what a salty

dog is -- I just assumed it had something to do with sex. (I do know what

'doggy style' means, but probably so does everybody else. Even Wayles


We had a good trip, but now we're back and there's such a pile of stuff to

do. We're all gearing up for the big Chomsky visit, and here among my pile

of 78 e-mail messages is one from Jim Zacks (organizer) asking if I'll

introduce Chomsky for his linguistics presentation and be the moderator.

Gulp. Any ideas for a clever introduction?

We never got to Santa Fe, after all that. I left a phone message on Ken

and J's phone machine explaining that we'd run out of time. Also he sent

us a list of places to eat in Las Cruces, but they were all closed or

otherwise unfindable. (We wound up at Si Senor -- an o.k. chain.)

Actually all in all the food wasn't any better than we get here at El

Azteco, I didn't think. But it was fun. We brought back a rug for Larry's

son Chris and girlfriend Laura (who incidentally have produced a

granddaughter -- that happened right before we left. I hope this one

doesn't die like the last grandchild did).