Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 13:01:07 -0500
From: "Cathy C. Bodin" cbodin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSMARY.EDU
Subject: Re: suite /sut/ and /kup/
My guess on "suite" /sut/ is that anglophones pronounce
it the way they see, i.e. read, it.
On occasion, we even change the spelling to suit our
pronunciation, e.g., "chaise longue." We merely mispronounce "macabre."
Can anyone comment on the pronunciation of a type of car, also
of French origin, a "coupe'" (with final accent), pronounced /kup/ in
the U.S.? Am I right in ascribing this to a "reading pronunciation?"
-- Cathy Bodin
Do you think the French cringe over our pronunciation of