Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 19:08:19 -0600
From: Charles F Juengling juen0001[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]GOLD.TC.UMN.EDU
Subject: Re: Willamette Valley and Detroit
On Fri, 17 Mar 1995, Leo Horishny wrote:
According to my wife, a native Ory-gunian, it's pronounced Ory-gun, instead of
Ory-gone. They even had bumperstickers to this effect:-)
I believe your wife is an or-e-GO-ni-an. At least, that's all I've ever
heard or said. Of course, the Valley is the Wi-LA-met and the state is
OR-y-g[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]n. The only thing more grating to my ears is Dan Rather's goofy
pronunciation with AH at the beginning-- AR-y-g[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]n.
BTW, I also make a distinction in pronunciation between Detroit,
Michigan, which is de-TROIT (no schwa in 1st syllable!) and the little
town in Oregon which is a few miles up the pass from my hometown-- DE-troit.
Fritz Juengling
The Wil-LA-met valley was the terminus for the Ory-gun Trail. As opposed to
the Wil-la-MET, or the WIL-la-met.
leo_horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]