Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 19:06:41 -0600

From: Anne Baldwin abaldwin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PO-1.STAR.K12.IA.US

Subject: Frappes, cabinets and tonics.

Larry Horne writes:

Actually, speaking not of chuckholes but of frappes, which David also was,

I was just in South Station in Boston and was delighted to observe that the

soft drinks (including iced tea!) for sale at the main snack bar are all

listed under the general capitalized heading "TONICS". (And cabinets are

still alive and well in Westerly, R. I., at least as of a few years ago.)

I wonder what out-of-towners make of it. --Larry

Not just in Westerly. Milk, ice cream, and flavoring, blended together and

sold as frappes in nearby Massachusetts, are known as cabinets throughout

Little Rhody. Coffee milk (sweetened coffee-flavored milk) is popular,

too. Its as popular among school children as chocolate milk, and coffee

flavored syrup is universally sold in R.I. groceries. Coffee milk blended

with ice cream is a "coffee cab."


Robert F. Baldwin, 515/284-8920

Freelance Articles Member, ASJA
