Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 22:48:14 -0500
From: Leo Horishny Leo_Horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]POL.COM
Subject: Re: Gesundheit!
kelly[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] wrote:
The Cincinnatian says "Please," not "Bitte," though the usage is calqued
from the German use. No reason to say "Gesundheit," since the identical
context elicits an exact situational equivalent, Bless you! or God bless
you! Perhaps you're really asking the question: why don't Cinci-folk
say "Health!" when someone sneezes. That would be the exact balance for
I see that. You're right, I should have asked why locals don't say,
"Health!". It is still curious to me, although I now understand my comparison
was incorrect, how the one reflexive response is anglicized and becomes a part
of local speech, yet another baldly Germanic term (a conversational phrase?
I'm not sure how to properly refer to these terms in this case) is rarely
heard here in Piggy City.
The Porkopolis moniker comes from the slaughtering concerns here--so many so
that at times in Cincinnati's past there were more pigs than people. They
were commonly driven (herding term driven, not motorized term!) down Spring
Grove Avenue into Kahn's loving embrace exiting the building in a much more
slim and trim fashion
G . This population disparity occurred not too terribly long ago either, if
I remember correctly. What else was mentioned about the Porkopolis handle?
FYI, atop 2 pillars at a riverside park, are 2 flying pig statues. You can
see them when driving down I-471 from I-71
in downtown Cincinnati. The pillars are crennelated like 2 steamboat
smokestacks, symbolizing the riverboat heritage and the pigs are there to
celebrate the porcine background to the local economy. The wings were just a
touch of whimsy, yet, OH!, the controversy they stirred up! And this was some
time before Wayne and Garth's pet phrase about flying pigs hit the airwaves.
leo_horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]