Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 18:40:41 +0300

From: John Hopkins John.Hopkins[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CSC.FI

Subject: ADS-L: Help with "smores" and "salad shooter"?

28 March 1995

Dear ADS-L Readers,

Could anyone help with two U.S. food-related terminology questions for

which I'd need answers by 0800 EST (U.S.) tomorrow? Right after that I

leave for Stockholm to do a U.S. language seminar for Scandinavian FILMNET

translators -- the people who do subtitles for U.S. films and entertaiment

programming on the European FILMNET channel.

I'd asked participants if they had any special questions to be addressed

beyond the regular program. An hour ago I got two questions which I've

never heard of and which are not in any of my slang dictionaries.

The context is from an entertainment-news clip describing the opening of a

'Planet Hollywood' somewhere in California. On the menu is:

- "smores and Chinese chicken salad"

- and the term "salad shooter"

1. What are "smores"?

2. What is "salad shooter"?

3. Is Planet Hollywood's chicken salad different from any other?

I'd appreciate any clues you could offer.


John D. Hopkins hopkins[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

Lecturer in American Language and Culture

Department of Translation Studies


John D. Hopkins (Hopkins[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] FAX +358-31-2157200

University of Tampere, Finland Phone +358-31-2156116, or -3460345
