Date: Wed, 6 Mar 1996 18:02:16 -0800
From: seth sklarey crissiet[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]IX.NETCOM.COM
Subject: Re: skinny marink?
Right--"skinny marink" was essentially the opposite of "fatso", but without
the same degree of negative loading (it was more in the nature of teasing than
insulting), for obvious cultural reasons. Seth, do you remember how it was
stressed for you in Newark? SKINny marink (with -marink functioning almost
like a suffix, with no stress), or skinny marINK (with final stress?). The
stress pattern explains why I'm confident in spelling the last vowel -i-, but
have no clue as to whether the penultimate vowel is indeed -a-, or -e-, or
whatever (cf. our earlier discussion of saluggi). Youth English as an
untranscribed language...
It was SKINny mahRINK with more emphasis on the rink. It was usually
referred in the third person as "she's a real skinny marink."